First Reads

January First Reads!

I’m so happy to share that THE RAVEN SPELL (A Conspiracy of Magic series, Book One) is an Amazon First Read choice for January! If you’re an Amazon Prime member, this means you can read the novel a month earlier than the general public, when the book is officially released on February 1st. For everyone else, you can pick up a copy of the ebook for $1.99.

This story about two witchy sisters in Victorian London was conceived on Twitter, of all places. I was scrolling through my feed when I happened to see a photo of two ravens touching heads followed immediately by an old black and white photo of two young women walking arm in arm. The two images merged for me and a story started coming into focus. I scribbled down the initial idea, which soon stretched into a first chapter, then set it aside while I finished the final books in The Vine Witch trilogy.

That’s how it works sometimes. Story ideas come from seeing connections between seemingly unrelated subjects. And if the idea sticks in your mind while you work on other projects and is still there when you come back to it, you know it’s an idea worth exploring. I hope you enjoy what came of that initial “what if” question spurred by seeing a connection between two completely unrelated photos.

Happy New Year! And may we all find a kinder year ahead.